Frequently asked Questions about Courtesy Notices
This document answers the most frequently asked questions addressed to foropaq@gmail - concerning the Courtesy Notice that points to
The Declaration of Facts
UCC filed by the One People Public Trust OPPT
This document is for information purposes only and should not be relied on as legal advice. No claims, promises, or guarantees are made about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of any information given in this document.
By utilising this information, you: (i) assume full responsibility for any loss, damage, or liability resulting; and (ii) you release the authors, their contributors, agents, licensees, successors and assigns from any and all known or unknown claims, demands or causes of action that may arise, at any time, out of or relating to your use of any of the information provided herein.
What is the OPPT - I
m new to this?
In brief: The One People’s Public Trust put it to the world’s banks and Corporate Governments that nothing stood between the Creator and each of the Creators creations, and gave due opportunity to rebut that statement. They could not and did not. To do so would have admitted that they operated slavery systems. Default notice was filed, The worlds banks were foreclosed and all cooperate government charters were cancelled. Slavery systems were abolished. See Declaration of Facts at UCC Filings 2-012 ptII. Please read all 12 pages of this most important document. The freeman and straw-men movements were made redundant, most web and blog sites dealing with those topics rendered historical and of no further value.Most banks and alleged government have not got the memo yet and so continue their fraudulent operations. Currently we are passing through a transition period unlike anything in world history.Subsequently OPPT has been retired and the I/UV has been supplanted in its place. OPPT followers orc devotees if you like are now more commonly known “The One People” (TOP) a phrase initially registered by the OPPT trustees signifying that all beings and embodiments are indeed one people.
HELP - Help me please?
Pleas of this kind are common unfortunately. Often newcomers to TOP have sent messages describing their current circumstances involving a court, mortgage, bank or foreclosure - and the message pleads for help. Though our sympathies go out to these folk it must be emphasized that CN’s are very serious and are not to be used lightly. They require close study, and that people do due their own diligence. Questions that ask how and when CN’s should be used almost invariably indicate that more study is needed. CN’s are not a quick fix solution and most often, the more urgent the issues, the more likely they will have to be faced in the usual manner, whether liked or not. A CN used hastily may even aggravate matters. The OPPT filings restored our freedoms, the flip side of which is responsibility and accountability.
m on a pension, have ill health, or minimal income, and worry about my entitlements.
Suggest if the risk to you is too high for direct action, you may consider other ways to inform those politicians, bankers etc of what is happening. (The Foreclosure Flyer is perfect for this purpose). are more and more articles coming out regarding TOP... people are sending FF.s off to politicians and bankers in 'Open Letters' simply to inform them of what is happening.There is a commitment to make in sending out a Courtesy Notice... it can be a long road. Please learn as much as you can, researching more to find documents that incriminate the banks etc... and share this information to help others. Your support is immeasurable, thank you so much!
My electricity and water are scheduled to be turned off. Can a CN be sent to avoid this action?
Do you want your utilities to be turned off?
Remember, the CN is NOT A DEMAND. It is an invitation to contract, whereby you accept no lights and no water in exchange for particular payments of Silver. Not a comforting thought ... but would they have done it anyway?What notice advised you of this/these? Send your CN to whomever advised you. Usually this will be one CN sent to the Sparks utility.... and one CN to the Water utility. Thereafter, follow the Guidelines and suggestions here. You might consider sending the General Harm notice to the (government) Health Department (no heating, lighting or sanitation is personal harm.) Remember this entity is foreclosed also.
Do not overdo CN’s Your administrative load may become overbearing.
I have grave concerns about OPPT
Answer from Heather of the (former) OPPT
.Many concerns are reflections of many of those who have received manipulated data from others and not taken the moment to review the raw data themselves and absorb what IS...and I thank you for bringing those concerns and manipulations into focus...I DO return the energy in bringing into focus the raw data and what IS... All are created by First Source (my choice of words for the eternal/absolute Source that all is created from) AND Trusts of Creation were manifested upon each and every creation...OPPT inclusive...which is just a tool for this past moment of NOW...If you and I BE and DO, with full responsibility and liability, what purpose is there for OPPT or any collective Trust of Creation? They only existed to correct the free will choice of some, who committed deceptive acts and practices to bring all unknowingly, unwillingly and intentionally under a slavery system through tools of enslavement and harvesting for the benefit of those few....Commercial Registry was one of them...unlawful and illegal throughout Source's Universe. All created by First Source, are the sole custodian, trustee, operator, and creator of that which is domicil (deposited) within them, with your full responsibility and liability for all that you DO with that BE'ing and value...the main goal of the principals of the enslavement systems was to prevent you and all of us from knowing this and how they commandeered it all.Every BE'ing in Source's Universe, inclusive of all the people on this planet, had it all in plain sight...Randall, Caleb and I consciously chose to be responsible for what we BE and is the moment for you and all other BE'ings in Source's Universe to make the same choice.Caleb, Randall and I are not Trustees over your BE'ing and DO'ing or the value within you or anyone other than our self...a more correct perception of what we have done as Trustees of OPPT...we were glorified secretaries
who REGISTERED in the enslavement system what IS...thereby collapsing what IS NOT.
YOU ARE NOT BONDED INTO ANY RELATIONSHIP...OPPT collapsed all unlawful and illegal bonding it is readying to be retired (
) as it's purpose of guarding the space for you to know BE and you DO what you BE...that IS all there your free will choice to BE and DO as you choose...that purpose of OPPT is almost satisfied. Perhaps the trust that you and others may feel has been betrayed was each of us not BE'ing and DO'ing with full sole trustee, custodian, operator, etc., of our own respective BE'ings with full responsibility and liability for the value domicil within each of us by Source.DO. BE. By your free will choice as you choose.with absolute gratitude, grace, love and peace.Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Trustee
What to you say to this argument against OPPT
Several people have argued against OPPT and some still. Notably these arguments are almost invariably based on people’s characters and not the filed documents. Such argument is irrelevant insofar as the CN process goes, simply because the CN points to the filed documents which stand un-rebutted. Heather, trustee for the former OPPT, answered such argument as follows ...If there is a dispute, error, or falsity make AND deliver a duly verified sworn DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL to the duly verified, sworn and REGISTERED OPPT DECLARATION OF FACTS, point by point, with specificity and particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law you identify, that the forgoing is true and accurate, signed by wet-ink signature."If such rebuttal was to be filed with the UCC registry, and the CN amended to point to the new filing, all argument would dissipate. Meanwhile the CN points to the filed documents which stand un-rebutted.
Where do I stand - What is my responsibility?
Did the OPPT Foreclose all banks and all corporate governments world wide or not?
The Powers That Were (PTW) have not got the memo yet and still exercise considerable force. They will not hesitate to use it presently. OPPT foreclosed those Corporations and rendered them Null and Void. The CN points to that fact, but will the PTW accept that? Most likely not, so you will have a fight on your hands. They know their method works because it has worked for them over and over, across the world for centuries.
Until you are 100% convinced that OPPT foreclosed the banks and corporations, and you are prepared to accept full responsibility and liability for your actions, please DO NOT use a Courtesy Notice
What am I committing to by using a courtesy notice?
You are committing to much more than first appears - best answered by 3 questions.
1.How much do you fear the ATO (IRS), your bank or the judicial system, foreclosure of your property and/or eviction, and especially the potential prospect of being jailed?2.What is at stake? If the Courtesy Notice does not achieve your goals, what have you got to lose and how much will this loss mean to you?3.Do you have the time, ability and mental commitment to learn about TOP and administer the CN process - even up to 5 - 10 hours per week?
The Courtesy Notice process is an all or nothing commitment - no exceptions! The process may last for weeks, months even. Should you cave in under pressure, or just tire, the result may likely be worse than had you not begun.DO NOT use a Courtesy Notice unless you are 100% confident of your ability to stand firm and accept all consequences that might arise. Courtesy Notices are not a quick fix.It is your responsibility to read the CN document, study the guidelines, and read the 12 page Declaration of Facts. This forum is not for answering personal problems or giving legal advice. Those matters are for you. Most questions asked about the use of Courtesy Notices are answered here. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please read “None of these answers actually answer my question.”
Explain why the CN “orders”... in a Free will Universe.
The Courtesy Notice IS NOT A NOTICE OF DEMAND. To do so would be the equivalent of YOU operating a “slavery System” - which is exactly what the courtesy notice exposes as “foreclosed” The CN does “order” that the action against you (by the entity) be CEASED AND DESISTED, but also offers terms and conditions that will apply if the action is continued by the Respondent (individual) Accordingly the Respondent is free to choose. Thereby the CN is an offer of contract - based on your terms and conditions. The respondent may choose to accept or decline. S/he is not ordered to do one, or the other.
I am not being harmed but want out of the slavery systems?
Can a Courtesy Notice help you? Yes and no.If you have need at present for a license, say ... and I understand it is difficult to operate without one... I'd suggest paying their extortion fee (fine, demand, licence or registration fee etc). Perhaps that apples also to needing services, or some other ‘government’ benefit that seems essential.The choice is either to stop paying or agreeing to their demands, or to continue. The Courtesy Notice is ordinarily based on having ceased payments; for whatever reason. Consider a different approach. You could send an individual a Courtesy Notice, and commence invoicing after 7 or 14 days... the time interval is up to you.The item you'd be invoicing him/her for, would be the perpetuation of a slavery system... which is essentially that "individual" turning up to work each day.Suggest listening to the audio sessions and /or reading the CN guidelines here: reason for this approach that maintains your payments, registration, license or whatever, is that it removes their leverage... and that puts them into the position of "having" to pay invoices. Your payment can be made on the grounds that you wish to reduce the administrative burden upon yourself... meaning it's easier to pay than pursue. This makes sense as they tend to engage the Fines Enforcement Registry, the Courts, a Bailiff etc etc, if you stop payments.If you can prevent them chasing you by paying the fine, or whatever other demand they are making, I suggest the message will be received more effectively.The way to view it is this:If you do not pay, you are instantly pre-judged as a criminal.If you do pay, you are a "law abiding citizen"The main thing we are looking to do is to communicate the message of the foreclosures. Of the two people above, who is the "officer" likely to listen to? A "criminal" or a "law abiding citizen"?This method may be just what you need to retain the service or benefit whilst still registering a very strong objection to doing so.
None of these answers actually answer my question.
This may be for one of two reasons, (or both), identified as follows. 1.The documentation has not been studied sufficiently; likely including the CN document, the invoice, CN Guidelines, Audio Guidelines, Declaration of facts to which the CN Points, and even other UCC filed documents from the OPPT.2.Failure to understand, or refusal to accept, that legal advice is not offered or given. In detail ... From hundreds of emails received, insufficient study of the documentation is very plainly evident and seems to have resulted from one of two causes.a)Pressures applied by a bank or government department have reached an acute stage, anxiety is strained to the limits and a quick solution is desired. Panic sets in and the CN pops up, seemingly as that quick fix. It isn’t; and was never intended to be! The CN is intended to be activated early so as to avert matters getting to the panic stage. A long time may be involved, even months, which rules out the possibility of a quick solution immediately. Since answers given here relate to this extended process small wonder instant answers are not to be found b)Mental strain or plain laziness. It is a sad indictment of recent times that people have become accustomed to having a prop to lean on. Government must do something, or the church, family, boss, partner, club, society, union, court, fraternity, or school mistress. Someone has read the CN guidelines so I’ll ask for help. No, with freedom comes responsibility and accountability and this is covered in the Guidelines. It an essential component of the CN process, namely that by highlighting the Respondents responsibility, same applies to the Proponent. How can anyone begin to assume that responsibility, by avoiding understanding arising from a study of the guidelines and the documents it points to?
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