Kiri Campbell’s Words in Hawera Court House NZ, 7.23.13
“The courts have ruled that the ONLY authority held by the government is authority that was delegated by, “We the people”. The courts have also said that, “We the people” have all of the rights of the king. Therefore, we are all kings and queens”
BE IT KNOWN that all persons claiming professional association with the existing court system also including ministers, police, bailiffs, magistrates, judges, registrars and deputy registrars and other court officers and employees and all other agents and prosecutors (from now referred to as INOR,( in need of redemption) from varying other sources within the New Zealand company structure and substructure are herewith noticed to stop and to recuse themselves immediately in all and any further action and involvements and relating to their respective positions.
You could face charges in a common law court and in a trail by jury for treason or high treason for the past and present involvement in undue process of justice and perversion of justice by fraud, contempt, trespass, sedition and any unauthorized administration of Estates (or trusts) or persons without authority of delegation from any executor offices, abandonment of their oaths of office as public servants and for impersonation of positions held under your oaths taken when as a matter of fact being engaged in commercial, revenue generating enterprise contrary to the position supposed to have held.
We the people could agree to appoint a transitional chief administrator who could take over the keys or other means of access to the buildings to coordinate the conversion of the existing buildings and administration of record keeping back to their original purpose of administering real justice.
All records and all chattels would have to remain onsite and full access to the chief administrator or people appointed by the chief administrator would be provided from that day forward to commence a review and full audit of the previous court activities and level of involvement of all INOR in treasonous behavior and any other crime committed against the people.
BE IT KNOWN to all women and men that this land is a common law jurisdiction and that all lawful courts are common law courts where free men can exercise their inalienable right to trial by jury.
Is it not true that all court buildings are standing on the land of the people, the internal sovereign heads making up the one and only true crown, and being the land granted for the purpose of administering justice by the rule of law, and being land without certificate of title or sales and purchase agreement, which would define ownership? Is it not true that the original grant given to occupy the land the court building stands on was to facilitate justice as public service providers and as public servants and the servants to the people could one day be revoked by the internal sovereign heads, the people, who could authorise and execute a notice of this nature.
Is it not true that any officer of any court, and any government official also including New Zealand police who have attempted to compel or compelled one of “the people”, into their foreign corporate commercial jurisdiction by accusing them of being a “person” has perjured their oaths, and were engaging in TREASON, and SEDITION, and they have no immunity whatsoever, because all officers of all courts are presumed to know the law?
Is it not true that no government official who represents ANYTHING about NEW ZEALAND has any authority whatsoever over “the people”, and the minute he or she attempts to assert any such authority, he or she immediately perjures his oaths, engages in TREASON (breach of trust) and is engaged in SEDITION, because he or she is making war against the established government which is “the people”, and he or she immediately loses all immunity he or she might otherwise enjoy?
Is it not true that it is essential to the preservation of truth, justice and freedom to affirm oneself to the right to trial by jury and that any denial of this right by anyone constitutes treason against the man and woman standing on the land. No parliament (part of management committee) of the New Zealand company can legislate to abolish or diminish this right protecting life, liberty and property in a common law jurisdiction and have no standing as sovereign crown and never had such a standing as sovereignty was never ceded to the New Zealand company by the man and woman on the land?
Is it not true that it is the duty and responsibility of jurors only to judge the facts and law presented to them, so that they can administer Justice to all parties in any action?
Is it not true that unless a court obtained the clear, written, witnessed and unequivocal consent of all parties with full disclosure given and full understanding of definitions and interpretations of all words used, in plain English, and without duress applied or threats being made or tricked or deceived, to be without a jury? Is it not true that any court without such consent been given has and never had jurisdiction to proceed summarily and any such awards, doings and proceedings shall be held to be null and void and any cases (constructive trusts) to be corrected now and recorded accordingly including the release of all parties unlawfully charged and held, to be now released from any order which was given via a magistrate, adjudicator, judge, deputy registrar or registrar acting under the summary proceedings without such proof of claim of consent?
Is it not true that there cannot be any trust or confidence in the process INOR has engaged in and all persons involved hold full personal and commercial unlimited liabilities?
Perhaps very soon INOR will have to vacate the buildings and land and be recused from engagement from the presently existing court system?

The Truth Speaks With THUNDER!!!!!!
WOW Kiri…
You are such an Inspiration for ME…
You talk about “Repurposing the System”…
Well… You have Also been REPurposing ME..
AND…. as I can feel…. A LOT Of other “First Wavers” with Your BEing AND DOing!
Thanks A LOT
You Go Kiri! You are awesome! I absolutely love you <3
What about the damages that the enforcement entities did to her body?
And what about the false arrest and false imprisonment and kidnapping?
What are those entities names, positions, etc?
I’m grateful and happy that she is safe while at the same time, what about her damages as well as the fraud that bank committed by not honoring the value, yet creating the money?
Who do we send the courtesy notices to?
Kiri, a name that will live in infamy.
The reason you are here is becoming clearer every day.
…. …. a name that will live in “Fame” , in her/history, for sure !
Hello Kiri,
I am very impressed with your courage. There is a website by Tom Schauf copyright 2013 regarding the blatant swindling of your rightful, lawful and legal funds. You are the ORIGINATOR of the instrument that you filed with the UCC; apparently, no matter the amount.
If the Promissory Note (or Bill of Exchange, etc.) is refused and returned to the originator, the debt associated with it is immediately discharged. An offer of payment tendered, then refused, is a payment discharged. Uniform Commercial Code Section 3-603.
If the Promissory Note is refused, kept and an alleged claim is continued against alleged aforementioned said account (the closing of your account), then the following may have occurred:
a. Alleged bank fails to return the Promissory Note (originator’s asset) unindorsed, nor provide a cash deposit receipt to originator.
b. Alleged bank fails to return the Promissory Note (originator’s asset) and is therefore the Holder of the Promissory Note (originator’s asset), thus creating a liability of the Promissory Note (originator’s asset) for the alleged bank.
c. The Promissory Note (originator’s asset) is likely being carried on the Accounts Payable ledger of balance (the liability books). Evidence of this fact is revealed by alleged bank’s refusing to return the Promissory Note (originator’s asset) to the originator, or issue a cash deposit receipt to the originator in return for depositing the Promissory Note (originator’s asset) that alleged bank is keeping from originator.
d. The continuing of an alleged claim by alleged bank may likely have resulted from the Accounts Receivable ledger of balance (the assets books) failing to appropriately display the Set-off recorded in the Accounts Payable ledger of balance (the liability books).
e. The continuing of an alleged claim by alleged bank will likely have resulted from the lack of interchange or delivery of data from the Accounts Payable ledger of balance (the liability books), which probably may have its own accountant, to the Accounts Receivable ledger of balance (the assets books), which probably may have its own accountant.
Originator is the CREDITOR and alleged bank is in fact the debtor (SLAVE) in this alleged claim. Originator must raise an Affirmative Defense via Uniform Commercial Code Section 3-305 and Uniform Commercial Code Section 3-306, which is in fact recognizable by law, or alleged bank wins by your forfeiting your rights.
I am aware that you were given a cash deposit receipt, which usually does not happen, especially with any kind of loans, because all loans are frauds under the old system. Your value was in fact deposited on the private side of the books and NOT transferred to the public side of the books. One of the accountants may be held culpable for failing to check to see if your instrument was in fact publicly recorded. Normally, the bank would win but not in this case, in my opinion. Your instrument was already registered within your UCC filing, thus making it a PUBLIC instrument.
Possibly ask for the original instrument back, unindorsed. (Smile) Possibly ask to see BOTH sets of books, which probably involves two different accountants altogether. Also, apparently the private books get hurriedly transferred to “off-sheets”. Possibly ask to see both the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable off-sheet books. Raise this defense and claim your rights!
I learned this information from Tom Schauf. You have to register with the website to get the Securitization document to download and you can read for yourself what actually happened to you, and me and every other living being.
I love you with all my heart. You are a great inspiration to the One People. I hope these two cents helps you!
Harami, Harami, Harami, Kiri, What a woman you are! You are indeed a warrior of Aotearoa. I send my very best whishes’
to you. My thoughts and energy, along with that of the people of Earth.
Good stuff ! Kia kaha, Kiri (K)Campbell !!
Well done Kiri well done stay strong it’s a hard road your traveling down but it is achievable with the right guidance “)