#HATJ & RKB Description and Impressions of Court Hearing 10.18.17
This is the recording of a phone conversation I had with Katie, Lisa, and Judy who were all in courtroom to hear the hearing live.
I will also publish in video form, once it is rendered. ~ BZ
Before making this recording with Katie, Lisa, Judy. I spoke with Heather on the phone. She is doing well. “All is Perfect and Perfectly done.” Heather said she would call me later today after she could change clothes, rest a little and get comfortable… so we could do a recorded call. ~ BZ
Thank you, BZ! Excellent conversation and update. So appreciative of every one involved. Sending love from New Orleans…now
Thanks BZ , Katie, Katie and Judy for making the recording update. I loved listening to it you were all so up-lifted….. bless you all for keeping us in the picture … hearts filled with love as the spin of the universe reaches greater heights and expands with Heather and Randy right into the Court rooms and into Judge Clifford-Shirley’s and lap and begins to permeate his consciousness Ohooooo !…. even though he probably isn’t quite aware of it …… yet ! But the dawning has begun…
Hugs and love and hearts filled with Love
Katannya xx
We are indeed blessed to have Heather with her knowledge and lovely spirit. We should all send love to these court minions and role players. So we can ALL move to a new reality
It’s just amazing that this most significant work to undo enslavement of humanity in this density continues beneath the awareness of the masses. The PTW have no legitimate means by which they can now rebut legal facts they allowed manifestation back in 2012; only now, I think, their judicial functionaries are beginning to perceive that all the mockery they point at Hatj’s/Randy’s underpinning rationale is actually mockery of the purposeful conundrum legal systems devise to subjugate people under what can only be thought of as a form of dark magic. The irony is that the pressure building for them to decide and act is the same kind of pressure tactic we contend with every day to maintain the functioning of their unnatural construct. Thanks as always for your ongoing revelation of this important historical moment.
“Public servants” have taken over, they are not used to hearing or accepting orders anymore. They have forgotten their origins and the purpose of their offices in their individual (and combined) service to self agendas. No being has “authority” over another, and the world is starting to remember that. I hope Heather and Randy don’t have to wait until January, but I won’t be surprised if that is the case. Personally I am ready for the bureaucratic terrorism to end in this world.
I am getting that aside from the normal 3D legal review he is expected to do, Judge Shirley on a personal level intends to pray over it and ask for Guidance. Thanks to all for covering this event and providing your insights.
If anyone is ripe for seeing through this veil it is Judge Shirley <3 nothing happens by accident. All is perfect. I am very excited. Many are impatient, and that is ok. To me it is obvious he will be touched by that which has always lead him. His interview at this auspicious time said it all. Unless he was lying in his interview, and I certainly did not get that impression from him or the man who interviewed him, how could he see anything but reason once he reviews what Heather has presented him with? I do not see him as the type who would work to cover his ass. He seemed sincere when he said he wants to be fair.
To mock original’s is to mock ourselves since we are ALL Original’s many have not grasp who they really are but consider their present careers/title/labels/race/religion/creeds etc. as who they are, they have separated themselves from who they truly BE, with experience I know this to be true LOL :D. Per Heather’s filing of the Pracepe, Judge Varlan, Also issue an Order for C. Clifford Shirley, Jr. TO: Consider & determine or Report & recommend as may be appropriate, there is no order to issue a “Ruling”, the way I sense it is he has atleast 30 days to come up with a recipe on how to bow out of this without the courts looking like delinquents, he has a chance here to make an Originals choice for all of the other delinquents to follow and remember who they truly BE, and that ALL things are possible. Sending the flow of Love, Light and high energy to C.Clifford Shirley to help with his emergence of who he BE.
WOW Shirley CZM… that was beautifully described. I have a full sense of what you say. I feel it is so.
C. Clifford Shirley; to you we send Pure Joy, Light and Love… full memory of who you are, who you BE.
ALL Things Are Possible. What an amazing time to BE here, on Gaia, experiencing ALL that is changing.
Thank you all, for your insight and love..
Wow! The powers that were are acting the way I expected…like kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Clifford Shirley,Jr I am sure his head is expanding at a pace he’s likely never experienced b4. Holding him in Love and Compassion and sending the energy of safety his way.
Looking forward to hearing what Heather has to say on call coming up with BZ.
Have you thought about filing notice of personal liability on the judge and the prosecutors
The energetic ripple from this is Universal!
BZ, I think it would be a wonderful idea if we could pick a some specific days and have a large conference call with everyone focusing on a single intention for 15 minutes or so and directing it towards Judge Shirley and the outcome we all are imagining. He would definitely feel the focused positive energy from all of us.
I think that was already happening today…continuing yes!
“Governments descend to the Level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen…where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is concerned. … For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government.”
Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371 (1942) What the Clearfield Doctrine is saying is that when private commercial paper is used by corporate government, then Government loses its sovereignty status and becomes no different than a mere private corporation with no authority or jurisdiction over the living man other than that extended to it.
As such, government then becomes bound by the rules and laws that govern private corporations which means that if they intend to compel an individual to some specific performance based upon its corporate statutes or corporation rules, then the government, like any private corporation, must be the holder- in-due-course of a contract or other commercial agreement between it and the one upon whom demands for specific performance are made. And further, the government must be willing to enter the contract or commercial agreement into evidence before trying to get to the court to enforce its demands, called statutes.
OPPT plus the Papal Decree issued Motu Propria 2013 dissolved all these entities despite them pretending otherwise. Shirley needs to take instructions from above hr clearly fails to understand what a praecipe is and is required to act.
I’m just a little old man On Oregon, I make no motions nor plead nor petition nor complain. I claim , demand, notify, No person has standing in a court that I am in or a case of mine until they prove their bona fides, oath, jurisdiction filed in writing into the case.
all the best of every good fortune
I close with love, peace, harmony and a prayer.
“Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.”
So no court decision for now. Judge Shirley will give his decision sometime in January. Is that correct BZ?
is this the date before we will know
October 18, 2024 at 7:45 pm
Iam praying for you Heather and Randy. Iam so happy and excited, CAN’T WAIT TO EXHALE.
October 18, 2024 at 8:05 pm
Iam praying for you Heather and Randy. Very happy and excited . Can’t wait to exhale.
Love you guys.
Not only do they fail to understand what a Praecipe is, { crap } they also fail to understand how the UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE operates. { CRAP } They know, they are scared to make a ruling on it.
After listening to Randy I am getting that the judge is probably having trouble with his personal (rather rigid) mental construct of his own self image, seeing himself as the ‘parent’, the only adult in the room, sitting up high, who must mete out either discipline or grace to people who come before him, who have obviously done ‘wrong things’.
This implies hierarchy and obvious states of “right” and “wrong”, whereas in reality, we have many shades of grey and all beings are equal and on the same playing field. What you see as true depends on your point of view and many different things can all be true at the same time, because Truth itself is multidimensional. In that paradigm, who has right or even the knowledge to truly judge another? Today he saw there was at least one other adult in the room. He has been given a lot to think about.
I was surprised Judge Shirley deferred his decision with regard to Heather’s motion to dismiss until January.
I wonder why he decided to do that?
David, because it’s a huge deal for the court system - will create ripples upon ripples upon ripples. They’ve got to figure out how to handle it.
Thanks for posting. It was great to hear from RKB - how is HATJ holding up? Hang in there!
So why haven’t HATJ broadcasted any update on this… ? also why can’t the process of Randel’s exact process of submitting the documentation for the TDA be released on here? no of this makes any sense, I have lost a lot due to this and no explanation has been broadcasted.
Hi all,
Darren from the UK here. I have to send my gratitude to Heather, Bob, Randy, Bz and all the major players that made this happen. I will be sending my energy to Heather and Randy and that they get out before end of year.
I wondered if there is anyone who could lend me some support because I was unable to make any electronic payments things and codes are different here in UK. But I have located a number of my accounts spread over different banks.
I created checks but they did not clear and when I phoned the offshore banking to verify account, one staff member located the account then when I called back they are trying to tell me it does not exist… which is BS!
So I have e-mailed the CEO last week and he tried to ignore me. I followed up 2 days ago now sending my FT document and I have been corresponding to his PA. They have taken me through e-mail encryption and she is telling me a letter has been posted, but they did not back it up with an e-mail to let me know a letter is on its way and i’ve not received any letter yet.
I think they are lying and stalling for time for whatever reason. I am needing to cooperate with them because they need to grant me access to utilising my account. Is there any Acts or fillings I should be aware of that will make my case stronger?
Thanks Guys
we need to pray GOD help this man make a decision
Do not pray (= ask) God, feel that the right decision has already been made and feel happy about it in the now.
Im not anyone who has any real experience in this stuff. I fol;low and pray. Ive been thinking though shouldn’t we be taking them to court. If you go to U Tube and search “sovereign police training “. several videos will come up. Listen to what they say about us. Its no wonder that Police treat free men the way they do. these training videos need to be addressed. In my opinion they need to be addressed with a class action law suite. What they say isn’t anything close to how the people in this monument are. This is defamation of corrector, its slander and its a few people who are making bold lies to the people who join the law enforcement. these videos need to be removed.