By Berlin, published on March 13, 2014
I spend time in many different Facebook groups. There are a handful that I spend time actually commenting to things, and then most others I just soak up information and read. Along this path I have found that being attacked for not agreeing with a specific Channeler or information source is the norm. Maybe attacked is the wrong word as it implies horrible things. It’s more like being told I am wrong and they are right. Yet in these groups preaching all this Love & Light I still see many with rude behavior and outright ego issues while preaching to others the issues with rudeness and ego itself. I find that sad but also ironically funny! Are you one that has to be right all the time and make sure everyone knows it, and then gets upset at those who might not agree? In my humble opinion to me this seems so hypocritical.
PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH! “I am not impervious to this statement and need to do it to, so there!”
For those that know me on FB, know that I am not running around preaching how things are or should be. I might make comments about things I have learned in Common Law or believe to be right, yet at the same time I make sure that people know I to can be wrong in my own beliefs. It is just my own perspective on something and we each have our own. There has been many times that when you think something is right, something comes around the corner to disprove it. To give an example I will use the Courtney Brown implications postings and his big announcement to come. At the end of this I will provide a copy of each implication he has posted to date, and update it later tonight with the last implication that is posted. For those of you who do not know Courtney Brown, he claims to be a remote viewer at the Farsight Institute in Georgia. If he is, good for him! He has a big announcement has has been preparing people for for the last several weeks and has been providing implication postings to read that will lead up to what he will announce.
I have been reading these implications mostly out of pure curiosity of what will be announced. The other night I had stated that I basically think it MIGHT be a bunch of nothing to a certain degree or something that most of us in this community of awakened souls already knows. Then along came my wonderful friend “G” who wrote the following and put an entire different perspective and spin on my thought process about implications posting
# 22:
MY FRIEND G: “The reason for the implications postings is they are meant to give you some background before you read the announcement. The announcement is meant to make a lot more sense if you’ve read the imp postings beforehand.
I really get this posting. He’s talking about organizations that people join because they are interested in a cause and want to really help do something positive for the world and humanity. Often these organizations have been co-opted by dark forces that have a vested interest in making sure no progress is ever made toward solving that particular issue. A good example is the anti-cancer charities. Their job is to ensure cancer is never cured, while propagating the illusion that they are fighting cancer through research and holding out the hope to humanity that one day this menace will be eradicated. Goodhearted people join these organizations as volunteers to help raise money and give of their time etc. After awhile some get the sense that something is not quite right, get tired and jaded from all the time they put into the organization without see much in the way of results and finally quit. The result is they end up burning months if not years of their time, and the status quo is maintained. Pick a favorite major organization or charity and they mostly all work the same way.”
Here is the implications posting we were referring to:
So after his comment, it really opened up my eyes way more. Although the announcement may be something huge or may seem like something that it’s not; the announcement itself might be something HUGE to some of us. We each have our own paths in life to take and to get there we have catalyst and things that happen to change our perspectives, or steer us in the right direction. Life is about learning and creation itself I think, so if we have nothing to learn from to direct us in our paths we should be on, it might get a little boring I would say.
When I am in groups and make comments about Channeler’s or other things and disagree on them, they are my own opinion. I am never in any way trying to pit one against another, or put the person posting things or making comments down. I am only expressing myself and my own thoughts and beliefs. For anyone to come in and tell me I am wrong and or put me down for it is just wrong in itself. To state your own viewpoint is something completely different. So what is the need that is within to feel you are right all the time? I question that often. Some are right, some are wrong, and some are just theories waiting to be proven. Deep down what makes someone feel they have to be right, or heard? There are lots of things in life I don’t discuss just because I don’t need to. I don’t feel the need for attention. What I do feel the need for, is helping others open their minds more and more too all possibilities, instead of shutting out something just because it does not fit their current thought patterns and belief systems. It does not mean I am right, it just means if there is someone out there I am meant to help with, they will learn from what I provided by providing my viewpoints in a respectful manner. In my opinion creation changes on a daily basis so what was good yesterday might not be good for today. Change is constantly upon us, so we adapt!
If I had closed my mind off to the fact that Courtney Brown is just blowing smoke I would have never viewed what he was putting out in the way, “G” had put it. In life we learn from everyone we encounter or run across on our path. Be it a small comment on a thread we read, phone conversations, friends, relatives, fellow employees or what not. There is something to learn about life in most all situations. There is also something to learn on personal growth in almost all situations. I think when we become closed off, and set on one particular set of beliefs we close ourselves off from learning those valuable lessons that might come in handy down the road. So in the end it does not really matter if Courtney Brown is blowing smoke at the moment or not, because his announcement has not yet come. So what that taught me and helped point out is this. Although what he has to say has not yet come, and he is posting all these implications that might seem like babble to others, there could be something important that I myself am supposed to learn, or hear from whatever he has to announce. Maybe it comes from someone’s comment to what he does announce. If it is nothing, then it is nothing. If it is something, then it is something. In the end bickering over whose is right or wrong won’t really matter anymore, will it? So no matter what it is it will be a lesson to someone, or a change in their path no matter how you look at it. It doesn’t matter if it teaches them to not be conned again or something huge. Either way it’s a lesson!
So next time we are in rooms that are spreading Love & Light, Truth, disinformation, rumors or what not, we should all remember that whatever we are reading is in our face for a reason. I fully believe all things happen for a reason and it’s ourselves that is supposed to see what that reason is, or learn from it. When you’re closed minded you miss those important lessons. Again be the Conscious Objective Observer of your own experience. Best advice I think I have ever heard. So instead of telling others they are WRONG or getting upset with them, why not just state:
“I respect your view on it and your opinion, here is how I feel about it!”
Or something to that effect so the conversation does not turn into personal attacks or put downs of others. I also love when people come in who have been on their own personal path of enlightenment, they meditate, channel, clerivoyant or what not and talk DOWN to others as if they are up on some pedestal, and above everyone else. It is one thing to be enlightened, it is another to have your ego stick your enlightened butt up on a pedestal and make you feel you are better than those who might not yet be at the level you, “THINK” you are at. Let’s try not to take this stuff to our heads, right! I am no better then you and you are no better than me. The place you are at in your journey is for “YOU” and the place I am at in my journey is for “ME” and it does not do anything to tell someone else they are wrong about something. If they are they will eventually find out anyways, won’t they! So let that egg fall where it needs to without getting it on yourself.
Truth always has a way of showing its face at some point or another. What might be one man’s truth might be another man’s lie and so on and so forth. What one person might be doing to help people in their own journey might not be right for someone elses journey. So what’s the point of arguing over it and putting others down? If you’re going to represent Love & Light then BE Love & Light and respect what others see in their own journey and path. Empowering people does not include putting them down and showing off on your pedestal to get attention. If you have something to offer and it is meant for them it is up to them to see it or not. We cannot force things onto people in my opinion as it goes against their own Free Will!
So if I or anyone else makes a comment about not seeing, eye to eye with someone’s information it is just an opinion. Much like what my last article with the whole missing plane issue; I made my own perceptions on what I have read and seen up until that point. I might be wrong in what I said, I might be half way right. I also did NOT claim to be right, I only claimed that MAYBE this is what it is; it was just voicing an opinion. Later the next day I read another article on this that made much more sense to me and did resonate to some degree. It was about military using a special plane that jams the signals of another and diverting the plane elsewhere. It is entirely possible. After all I was not on the plane nor was I near it when it disappeared. So all the opinions of what happened to it are still just opinions until the truth comes out in the end. If I was wrong about it those who have read that last article will know I was and so will I! Does that make me an idiot or a peon, no it just makes me human! Living in the moment is all I am doing and that moment can change drastically by what others do, especially when you are commenting on things that involve others. We are each creating our own reality in this world so what is meant to enlighten my path in the moment might not be yours either, but it’s there to do its job.
You can read the other article about the missing plane here:
In order to know if it’s true or not do your own extensive research or just wait to see how it all plays out. There are many theories out there and many videos included. Some are made up hype to get you off in the wrong track by those who do it on purpose, or do it unknowingly to show others their own view point on it. Either way there is so much disinformation flying out these days it’s hard to keep up. In the end this only tells me that things are heating up and those that seek to control the world are getting more and more desperate. You can’t control those who see the control for what it is. So those of us who are becoming awake and aware are the ones they are afraid of.
In the end of all this I can say that I feel something BIG is coming and at the end of it the grass will be greener on the other side. If someone else thinks the world is going to blow up or be cleansed with the wrath of fire so be it. I don’t see the point in worrying about an asteroid blowing the world to smithereens, it’s not like you can escape that so what’s the point of worrying about it. Live your life for today because you never know what’s in store for tomorrow! So pay no attention to dates given as those can change depending on circumstances. Things happen when the divine timing is right and only the divine will know the exact date. For those that give out dates of when things happen and they don’t happen, they only lose credibility by their readers. I think the best ones I have read are those that state they are channeling Prime Creator and tell you he says things will happen on such and such date. That day comes and goes with nothing. Yet still they follow the words because they are loaded with unicorn farts, pixie dust and fairy sprinkles with their fluffy puffy feel good words, yet keep you in the waiting mode instead of the personal growth empowerment mode. I would think Prime Creator would definitely know the date, wouldn’t you? Of course again it’s just my opinion and we all know the old saying about those. Opinions are like assholes and we all got one!
Here is some cream to fix those opinions you no longer like. LOL
In the end our opinions that are written of or spoken of are just mere thought forms that we are conveying. Speech and writing is just a tool we use in the 3D world to convey those things. Maybe in the future we won’t need such tools as we will be living in a higher state of being and will read each others minds and just KNOW what truth really is. Either way it is important that we remember each of us is unique and on our own path and it’s not up to others to make sure that path matches the one they feel is right. So I will continue learning from every person that comes into my life, whether it is a comment made on this blog, a conversation, life partner, media, social media or what not. In the end I am grateful to all those that do come into my life no matter how short, simple, or long it may be. I thank all that I encounter in life that is helping me on my particular path.
Here are all the implication postings from Courtney Brown so you can read them in order all together in one spot. His announcement should be made on 3/15/2014 and you can catch that at this link: :
As of 9:55 PM on 3/13/2014 what is to be the last implications posting as #23 is now here. Will do an update when the actual announcement comes. All these implications are supposed to lead up to something big to be announced by Courtney Brown of the Farsight Institute which is Remote Viewers. We await and see what will come. Will it be blowing smoke? Will it be something huge for all that see it? Will it be something that some of us learn from? I think the last one will be it. It will be something that we can learn from no matter what it is. Maybe teaching us how to better use discernment or understand the brainwashing in the system. Either way I am curious. So please don’t feed us Unicorn Farts or Fluffy Puffy Stuff!
I will leave you with this!
The world’s first 24 hour music video! GO BE HAPPY!!!!!!
In gratitude of all,